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A picture of butterflies on flowers

 Deborah Demeduk                   

Hillside Elementary School
Resource Room ELA/Math/Word Study,    
Supplemental Services and ICS...                              




Hello to all.  Welcome to my Hillside Elementary classroom website.  My belief is that every day is a good day for learning! E-V-E-R-Y...

     Although my teaching career spans 44 years, there isn't a day that goes by when I am not learning something new and wonderful.  I have had the pleasure of educating preschoolers through eighth graders, teaching every subject imaginable.  Not only that, I have been a mentor teacher as well as a master teacher, educating colleagues and new teachers.  Honestly, what fun I've had and how lucky I have been!

    I often think back to my first year and shudder.  I was not very good at all.  Beneath, though, was a diamond in the rough. Really rough.  Over the years, I found my niche, my style, learned methodologies and techniques from masters in their field as well as from colleagues.  My most challenging classes taught me flexibility, the ability to think outside the box and take risks.  All the students that have crossed my path, teachers, parents, courses taken, etc., have made me what I am today.  Fortunately, I continue to morph and grow.

     My passion for educating young minds has grown stronger over these forty-plus years.  Children keep me young, on my toes and always searching for alternate ways to teach (a subject).   I am so very fortunate to have your child in my classroom.

     I always tell my students, "When I grow up, I want to be a paleontologist."  WHAT?  It is true…
     I love learning.  I love traveling.  I love adventure.  Most of all, I LOVE what I do~