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Everyday Math Helpful Strategies

Nine Times Tables Made Easy: 

Picture of 2 hands and each finger numbered 9 times tables made easy

Number each nail 1-10.

Fold the 9 finger in.  All fingers before the folded 9 count by Tens; after the folded 9, count on by 1s. Same below.  Fold in finger number 3.  Count the two fingers before the folded finger by tens.  Count on by ones after the folded finger.  See if you get the same answer.  Try this with all 10 fingers!

Fold the 9 finger in.  All fingers before the folded 9 count by Tens; after the folded 9, count on by 1s.

Same below.  Fold in finger number 3.  Count the two fingers before the folded finger by tens.  Count on by ones after the folded finger.  See if you get the same answer.  Try this with all 10 fingers!

Fold the 9 finger in.  All fingers before the folded 9 count by Tens; after the folded 9, count on by 1s. Same below.  Fold in finger number 3.  Count the two fingers before the folded finger by tens.  Count on by ones after the folded finger.  See if you get the same answer.  Try this with all 10 fingers!

***Check out THE LADDER for solving word problems about extended time!

Below is THE HILL method to estimating numbers:

 Below is THE HILL method to estimating numbers:

Making 10 Strategy:  Use the site below to help you add numbers greater than the sum of 10.  

Near Doubles Strategy:

Finding near doubles is a perfect way to learn to find the sum.  

Example:  8 + 7 = ?

What are the possible 'near doubles' for this problem?

8 + 8   and    7 + 7

Now, say to yourself, "Okay, I know that 8 + 8 = 16 and 7 + 7 = 14, so that means that 8 + 7 must be 15!"

8 + 8 = 16

8 + 7 = 15    Do you see a pattern here?

7 + 7 = 14

Let's try one!  What is 9 + 10?

9 + 9 =?     (18)

9 + 10 = ?  ( ? )

10 + 10 = ?(20)

The missing number is 19!

The ADD-ON Strategy:


Take a ride on the Enter/Change to/How (ECH) Express:  This strategy will help you count on forward or backward to arrive at your destination. 

Take a ride on the Enter/Change to/How (ECH) Express:  This strategy will help you count on forward or backward to arrive at your destination.

 Writing in Math:  Writing has become an integral part of our EDM curriculum.  Students are required to explain, in writing, how they arrived at an answer.  This can be a cumbersome task indeed.  We have integrated a 4-Point System in which students can express themselves in a very succinct way.  Below is one of two templates that your child will be using in class.  It is a step-by-step process that exhibits their thinking through written communication.

 Writing in Math:  Writing has become an integral part of our EDM curriculum.  Students are required to explain, in writing, how they arrived at an answer.  This can be a cumbersome task indeed.  We have integrated a 4-Point System in which students can express themselves in a very succinct way.  Below is one of two templates that your child will be using in class.  It is a step-by-step process that exhibits their thinking through written communication.